Drummers Garden Center & Floral

Drummers Garden Center & Floral


Drummers Garden Center & Floral

281 St. Andrews Drive
Mankato, MN 56001 | map | directions
(507) 388-4877 | fax: (507) 388-2868
GMG Member
Connect With Us
Open year-round, Drummers Garden Center and Floral supplies a full-range of landscape and garden products, houseplants, water gardens, floral arrangements, gifts and professional landscape design plus fresh Christmas trees and decor in season. The staff seeks to provide practical,personal,and helpful advice. We grow our annuals and perennials (over 850 varieties each) and shrubs and have 4 acres of outdoor retail display. Drummers Floral Department offers local and world-wide delivery with expert personalized designs. We offer classes, special events and host the Mankato Farmers Market winter market.
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 (Date: 3/28/2025)